Nothing Can Separate Us

October 10, 2021
Bible Text: Romans 8:31-9:3 | Preacher: Timothy Jensen | Series: Romans | God justifies, that is, He brings people into a relationship with Him when they place their faith in…
Bible Text: Romans 8:28-29 | Preacher: Timothy Jensen | Series: Romans | Difficult times can lead us to doubt God is at work and that His work is completely good.…
Bible Text: Romans 5:1-11 | Preacher: Timothy Jensen | Series: Romans | The blessed life begins with justification. Those who place their faith in Jesus and are declared righteous by…
Bible Text: Romans 4:16-26 | Preacher: Timothy Jensen | Series: Romans | Have you experienced a time where you felt hopeless? This message from Romans 4 involves a promise from…
Bible Text: Romans 4:1-15 | Preacher: Timothy Jensen | Series: Romans | An aptly timed word of good news is always helpful. It is especially so when bad news seems…
Bible Text: Romans 3:21-31 | Preacher: Timothy Jensen | Series: Romans | The picture the Apostle Paul paints is bleak. All mankind is sinful, Jews and Greeks alike, and all…
Bible Text: Romans 2:17-29 | Preacher: Timothy Jensen | Series: Romans | The Jewish people were well aware of the sins of the Gentiles, however, but they lacked awareness of…

When God Gives Up

June 20, 2021
Bible Text: Romans 1:18-32 | Preacher: Timothy Jensen | Series: Romans | What do you mean God could give up on me?! It is true, there is a direction you…