Nothing Can Separate Us

October 10, 2021
God justifies, that is, He brings people into a relationship with Him when they place their faith in His Son, Jesus. Can anyone or anything separate us from God and…
Difficult times can lead us to doubt God is at work and that His work is completely good. Often, Christians jump to Romans 8:28 and cling to the fact that…
The blessed life begins with justification. Those who place their faith in Jesus and are declared righteous by God enter into a life of blessing. Discover those blessings as we…
Have you experienced a time where you felt hopeless? This message from Romans 4 involves a promise from God, a hopeless circumstance, and the surprising truth of how we can…
The picture the Apostle Paul paints is bleak. All mankind is sinful, Jews and Greeks alike, and all lack the righteousness God demands. Despite all his good works, mankind cannot…

When God Gives Up

June 20, 2021
What do you mean God could give up on me?! It is true, there is a direction you can take and a length you can go where you reach a…
Mankind needs to be saved. Mankind cannot save itself, although it tries desperately. Mankind can only be rescued by the power fo God! The Good News is God has the…
We begin studying the Book of Romans today because the Bible is the truth! Misinformation, deception, and lies make us weary and put us in danger. The Bible's relational truth,…